County National Bank Donates $6,500 for Homer Trojans Scoreboard
County National Bank (CNB) has contributed $6,500 for a new scoreboard at Homer Community Schools. The previous scoreboard had been in operation since 1978 and was no longer functioning reliably.” The new scoreboard will benefit both students and spectators.
Craig Burlingame, Branch Officer for CNB’s Homer location, says that CNB is committed to supporting the Homer community. “It’s important for CNB to be a part of the activities and organizations in Homer, and Homer Community Schools is a vital part of what makes Homer home for so many. In addition, athletics plays an important role in teaching young people about responsibility, commitment, and teamwork.
The Homer Trojans participate in the Big-8 Athletic Conference, with over 300 students per year competing in a wide range of middle school and high school athletic activities. County National Bank recognizes the importance of supporting local schools committed to serving the community and their students by providing academic, athletic, and social opportunities, banking on building a better future for all.

Michael George (Homer Athletic Club), Scott Salow (Superintendent), Brad Roth (Athletic Director), Craig Burlingame (CNB Branch Officer-Homer), Brett Vernon (Head Football Coach)